Throughout this book, the fuzzytags API and documentation we use the following terms, some of which deviate and/or extend definitions from the original paper.
A probabilistic structure that can be attached to a message in order to identify the recipient. The focus of the fuzzytags system.
Root Secret
A privately generated set of secret scalars. Randomly generated.
Not to be confused with "secret/private key" in larger system integrations.
Tagging Key
A publicly distributed set of group elements used to construct a tag for a given party. Derived from the Root Secret.
Not to be confused with "public key" in larger system integrations.
Detection Key
A semi-public subvector of the Root Secret that is provided to an adversarial server in order to outsource identification of tags (with some pre-determined false positive rate).
Not to be confused with "verification" key in larger system integrations.